
With all of the chaos swirling around the internet and social media platforms I’ve decided to share a story of positivity. I have spent the last five or so years creating a life that is solely guided by my heart and intuition and it has brought me to places and seen things that has transformed my life and perception of the world we live in in such an amazing way it can only be described as an awakening. Up until this point I spent my time working, drinking, snorting and smoking my life away trying to chase external pleasures that would always go faster than they came. Every fellow traveler I met, guide I trekked with, shaman I sat with, ceremony I partook in, culture I observed, landscape I gazed upon all became my teachers. They taught me how individual we are but also how extraordinarily connected we all are. They taught me how small we are but how infinite we are. They taught me compassion for our fellow human no matter their background or beliefs. Gratefulness for the life that we possess no matter our hardships or turmoil. They showed me ways to transform my life to rid myself of pains and sufferings by diving within. They showed me that humanity is the only religion. And that religion is more powerful and infinite than we can ever imagine. 

Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Muhammed etc. were all incarnated as human beings from source to give us divine teachings. No matter what you believe these were all men who were tapped in to something higher, something divine, something infinite. We all come from that same source from which they came and are able to transcend in this life the same way they did. Jesus said it best, “The kingdom of heaven is within.” All that we could ever want to know, happiness we could ever want to experience, love to feel is all sitting right inside of us waiting to be tapped into. Now this is no easy task in the modern world, we have to become still enough to listen and strong enough to peel back the layers and than peel back more layers and than more after that. Social conditioning, familial upbringings, immediate entertainment, constant visual stimulation, the pursuit of material wealth the list goes on and on. These things bring us further and further away from our true selves, our true potential and happiness, our divinity and closer to the pains, sufferings and fears we are desperately trying to rid ourselves of. We’ve been shown the illusion of how to live in this life and it’s brought us fear, anxiety, depression, addiction and disconnection.

There are so many ways of achieving this stillness and strength it just takes effort, dedication and a want to live in a way that is our birthright. These teachings have survived millennia for a reason. Prayer, meditation, yoga (not just postures, yoga is extremely intricate), plant medicine ceremonies to name a few. It all starts with an open heart and mind and what we can achieve is nothing short of miraculous, personally and collectively. 

There is a major opportunity afoot, lets take advantage of it. The Earth is giving us an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives not only individually but collectively. To turn inwards and reconnect with what is truly important. Family, friends, ourselves, community, compassion, gratitude, the living breathing mega-organism we call Earth of which we are a part. This is a wake up call to something that can have a lasting impact on future generations and it starts with the individual. We can’t sit around and wait for everyone to get on board that’s how we got into this mess in the first place (and this mess started well before the outbreak of Covid-19). We’ve been given an opportunity to raise our collective vibration to re-evaluate our lives and how we can better serve our planet, ourselves, and our communities. Pick up a book, sit in reflection, just BE. Sit in your backyard and feel the wind on your face, listen to the songs of the birds, the sound of trees swaying, the warmth of the sun, walk in the rain. Connect to the breath, to the beating of your heart. After all we are human BEings. Just being is enough we can’t do it this way anywhere else. 

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