
What is Reiki?

Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words, rei and ki meaning Universal Life Energy. The Energy of everything that flows from Source. Reiki is an ancient laying of hands healing technique that uses life force energy to heal by balancing the subtle energies(chakras) within our bodies. Reiki can address physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. Reiki is channeled from the practitioner to the recipient through different hand positions around the body. Reiki also works with all other treatments and healing modalities. Benefits include:

  • Relaxation
  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Improved Sleep
  • Reduced Depression
  • Enhanced Well-being
  • Stronger Self-esteem
  • Greater Self-awareness
  • Improved Pain Management
  • Reduced Side Effects from Chemo and Radiation Therapies

What to Expect

Each Reiki treatment lasts about an hour and can focus on specific healing or general relaxation. To receive Reiki the client will lie on a Reiki table fully clothed. Brian will set up the space with the burning of sage and some relaxing music. During the session Brian will rest his hands on different areas of the body channeling Reiki energy into the recipient. Some feel sensations of electricity, tingling or a sense of warmth. Some also can have a vision, have an extreme sense of safety or simply fall asleep. Some also can feel very little and sometimes nothing during a session but after will feel a great sense of calm and well-being. It is best to approach a Reiki session with intention but no specific expectations.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it

albert einstein


Reiki is a complimentary practice and is not a substitute for medical treatment. Continue to see your physician or therapist while receiving Reiki.

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